Killgore’s 3D Circus is the most mysterious big top show in America. Mr. Killgore parades his circus into small towns across the country during Halloween season, making a killing in the process.
Disfigured clowns perform in the streets before the circus arrives, taking note of prospective “customers”. The rest of the troop arrives and its baggage wagons are unloaded, the marquee is built and playbills are thrown about town.
Then the “show” begins…
Mr. Killgore draws in the crowds and puts on a mesmerizing 3D spectacle, as one would expect. But as the days wear on, severed body parts start showing up on doorsteps, piercing screams are heard from the big top and the dry smell of blood permeates the town.
Just when the locals start to connect the dots, Killgore’s 3D Circus disappears overnight leaving only the damp festival grounds where it once stood, saturated with carnage.
But rumors are that Killgore’s 3D Circus is coming to town – Will you buy a ticket?