Twelve years after the zombie apocalypse, Outpost 49 is the last remaining “sanctuary” in the territory formerly known as Indiana. Jeb Sr., commander of Outpost 49, has taken a unique approach to the zombie horde, wrangling them into a slave army.
But after becoming infected himself, Jeb Sr. snapped. He’s had enough of this world and has decided to end it all by cutting his mob of zombies loose.
Your path leads you through the unchained zombie herd of Outpost 49 filled with the remaining survivors who are losing their minds as they begin to turn into zombies themselves.
Will you survive, or will you become a bedtime snack?
Zombieland: Unchained is an interactive attraction.
Visitors entering Zombieland: Unchained will be faced with an important decision:
- Should you explore Outpost 49 and simply watch the action?
- Or should you “mark” yourself to truly interact with the creatures within?
Those who opt-in for a truly interactive experience may be grabbed, held back, sent into hidden cells, removed from their group or even forced to remain…
Choose wisely.
(Customers must be 18 years old to “mark” themselves)